Our Impact

  • The biggest expense is staff. Before Hand in Hand’s involvement, Maisha had a skeleton crew working round the clock, often for less than a living wage. Now, they can afford to pay qualified staff and provide working conditions that allow staff to focus on how to best serve the girls in their care.

    Together, Maisha’s employees cost:
    - $3825/month for salaries
    - $60/month for health insurance

  • Since Hand in Hand Kenya partnered with Maisha, the Safe House has been able to double its food budget, providing more protein and fresh fruits and vegetables, crucial nutrition for these growing girls, many of whom are pregnant.

    Currently, the budget for food is $0.23/meal and moving to better quality nutrition will increase that cost.

  • The girls at Maisha Safe House have all suffered unbelievable trauma. Thanks to the money we raise, the Safe House has been able to offer the girls ongoing therapy to move past the abuse they’ve suffered and make progress towards a better, healthier life.

    An individual therapy session for one of the girls costs $11.

  • Our fundraising has made it possible for the Safe House to acquire a van and independently provide reliable transportation to doctor’s appointments and other necessary activities, greatly reducing operating costs compared to hiring individual drivers for each trip.

  • Funds we raise also contribute to enriching the girls’ day-to-day lives at the Safe House, including reading materials, school supplies, furniture, and maintenance of the house itself.

Where Our Support Goes

Hand in Hand Kenya helps secure funding for Maisha Safe House’s work. Learn more about how we provide funding for critical operating expenses.

Working for the Future

Our most ardent hope is to make ourselves obsolete. Hand in Hand Kenya’s ultimate goal is to empower Maisha Safe House with the tools, knowledge, and connections to manage itself for years to come. We would like to see Maisha become a proactive organization, equipped to determine its own future rather than always needing to react to current crises.

Our assistance has laid the groundwork for that future. Already, Maisha has revolutionized its bookkeeping practices, day-to-day operations, support services for the girls, and much more. Its progress as an organization has allowed it to land several important grants, including one from the United Nations, to fund important work. We’re confident that with the right support from us (and you) it can become self-sufficient, able to find and secure its own funding from large organizations and provide stability without external assistance.