Get Involved

Hand in Hand Kenya is focused on improving the lives of girls at the Maisha Girls Safe House and on helping the Safe House become an independent, self-directed force for good. We provide funds and help oversee spending and financial choices to empower those operating the Safe House to provide direction in response to the real needs on the ground.

The best way to support our work is through a financial contribution. Material donations such as supplies are heavily taxed by the Kenyan government and don't offer the staff at Maisha the same flexibility to respond to the girls’ needs in real time.

Donating airline miles is another great way to help out. Contact us to arrange a miles donation.

Financial contributions go directly to improving the conditions at the safe house, and in Kenya, your donation goes farther than you might think. A $60 donation could provide any of the following:

  • 5 individual therapy sessions for the girls

  • 1 week’s salary for a staff member

  • 1 month of health insurance for the whole staff

  • 260 meals

Immediate Need

Florence, founder of Maisha Girls Safe House, is visiting Cincinnati in April 2024. We have one critical goal: to raise $100,000 to improve and increase the capacity of the Safe House for the girls.

The current Safe House is overcrowded due to the number of girls in need of protection. Your participation can assure more girls find the help they need.

Even if you can’t donate, hosting an event can put Florence in contact with those who can.

Will you help Florence meet her goal?

More Ways to Get Involved