What We Do

Maisha Safe House

A safe haven for girl survivors of sexual violence and human trafficking.

The Safe House is the cornerstone of Maisha’s work. Here, girls from 6 to 20 years old who have been subjected to violence, trafficking, or sexual abuse can get help they desperately need. The girls stay until their cases have been resolved, their babies have been born, and they are ready to reintegrate into a safe environment.

Maisha Safe Space

If the Safe House treats the symptoms of gender-based violence, the Safe Space aims to prevent it. Here, Maisha offers courses, after- school homework clubs, and more to keep girls in Nairobi slums off the streets and committed to productive pursuits in a safe environment.


The promise of a better future for Kenyan girls drives everything Maisha does. They provide sex education in schools, conduct speaking events about child labor, march to promote girls’ rights and so much more.