Start a Fundraiser

Make your birthday even more meaningful by hosting a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser

1. Go to and select the “+ Raise Money “ button on top of the left-hand side of the page. Then select “Nonprofit”.

2. Next, you’ll search for and select who you are raising money for: Hand in Hand Kenya.

3. Once you select Hand in Hand Kenya, you’ll create a fundraiser.

  • Set your fundraising goal and time-frame. Set something that you feel good about and see where it goes! You can always raise the amount if you feel like setting a challenge after you go live.

  • Then, tell your story. Share why you support Hand in Hand Kenya and the impact that this fundraiser will make.

  • Add a cover photo and you’re ready to go!

4. Share the fundraiser on your timeline often, and invite friends and family. Be sure to graciously thank everyone who donates.