Jane’s Story

Jane* was rescued in 2019 through the Children’s Office. Her mother, an alcoholic, did not have a home and would stay in lodgings and brothels in Eastleigh with her children. In this places, Jane experienced severe abuse.

A raid conducted at the brothels and lodgings led to the rescue of Jane and her siblings. Jane’s yonger siblings were placed in a children’s home, but Jane, at age 14, was too old to go with them and instead came to the Safe House.

While at the Safe House, she attended and completed secondary school. She is now pursuing a 2-year diploma course in social work. Jane is a very talented rapper and poet and has showcased her talent at the Safe House and various events. She is hopeful that she will one day perform on big stages and make her future bright.

*name changed to protect identity and random photo used.


Esther’s Story


Maisha is coming to the USA